Part 22: Part Twenty-Two: Laguna's Guide to the Centra Underground Scene
Part Twenty-Two: Laguna's Guide to the Centra Underground Scene
Now that everyone's passed out in the forest, we're back with Laguna & co.

Scene setting: we're in a place.

Kiros verifies: this is definitely a place.

Laguna's not sold on this being the place.

But Kiros and Ward just laugh it off. They know the score.

Something's bothering Laguna, so he checks his map.

That's our Laguna!

If something really is bothering the guy, let's at least hear him out.

It's kind of nice to see these guys and their rapport as an established party after watching the SeeD group bumble around and fuck up. Too bad that in this of these characters will die.

It's also kind of nice that we took the "right" party with us to the forest and don't have to fix our junctions at all.

Not nice is that I only have two Str-J abilities right now, so Kiros is pretty lacking in battle.

Anyway, let's head down the path into the, uh...

"Centra - Excavation Site". That's the trick.

If you're wondering what a "Centra" is, here's the relevant page from the Information section. This doesn't get mentioned in the game, which makes sense because all the characters would probably know it, but is annoying because the player wouldn't. I like the existence of the Information section for stuff like that.
PS, don't fuck with the moon.

I like the look of this place quite a bit, with the machinery mixed with the whatever this walkway leads into. I'm a big fan of environments in this game generally, but this area is actually one of my favourites, visually.

Draw points kind of suck if you know about refinement, but I had Ward pull off it anyway.

I have no clue why that would be Laguna's first assumption about the rocks. There are a lot of reasons to dig in the ground, and I don't think that's number one.

Seems like something's caught Laguna's attention.

Hmm... Esthar soldiers.

You know, I'd hazard a guess that this excavation site belongs to Esthar.

Laguna doesn't look at Ward, so he still thinks there's only one soldier.


Time for a fight!

This one's a back attack, since Laguna turned around, but it's not hard. Esthar Soldiers are a bit tougher than Galbadians, but they're still not a real threat.

Of course, we still have the other three to deal with.

Why not, though? Like, this is Esthar's dig site. I don't know why they would expect to not be bothered.

There are three this time.

Related: a group of three Esthar soldiers is not a threat.

When I first played this game, I had the BradyGames guide for it, and I think they had the characters at, like, level 25 or 30 by this point.

Yeah, how odd.

Probably for the best.

In fact, let's run over here.

This is why I like this area.

Of course, Laguna has to ruin the cool look of the place by being a nerd.

What an inspiration. A true Galbadian hero.

It's fun to talk about stretching and what does and doesn't count as exercise, but we have an important dig site to explore.

This place is very green, n'est-ce pas? I wonder what it is, and why Esthar is so interested.

Over by these metal rings, we find an item.

This is why you should play as Jill instead. Then you don't have to worry about this bullshit.

What a role model. I hope it didn't unlock anything important.

Laguna's ineptitude aside, let's see what else is around.

Oh fuck off. Not you.

Now this is the good shit. I love hatches.

Laguna this is an improper use of hatches.

This conversation is longer than it feels in the game. Like, damn, this is just a ton of dialogue for something so incidental.

Good for you, Laguna. I know it's hard to be a genius in this world.

Ward is just a hater.

Oh, just do it.

As you can see, the lever in the upper-right is now gone.

We've had enough fun here, let's go.

As soon as we do...

See ya never, dead Esthar guy.

Now that we've done all that, we have to come back up to the top, but follow the path straight instead of taking the ladder down.

Ward/Selphie will probably still have those Confuse spells at the end of the game.

Anyway, on the other side, we can come down another ladder into this hallway.

Oh, another item.

Well, that's nice. Try to hold on to this one.

Jesus Christ, Laguna.

Nah, that's right.

Past the Old Key, we're back at the hatches.

Note: you can't do this if you don't tamper with the middle hatch first.

Fuck it, let's wreck some hatches.

Well, that was enlightening. Moving on.

Who broke this hatch? It wasn't broken earlier.

Shit, might as well.

Well, that's how it goes with hatches I guess.

Moving on.

I really like the crystal in this place. It's probably one of the main areas I think of when I think of FFVIII.

On the next screen, we find a...thing that I can't identify. Some kind of thing.

Even Laguna can't tell what it is.

That's a stupid-lookin' detonator.

Don't be such a stick in the mud, Ward.

Let's blow some stuff up! To do this correctly, you have to start with the far boulder/red switch.

Yeah, don't worry about it.

I think it was a little more than he expected.

The boulder is dropped down to the floor below, and chases this Esthar soldier into this tunnel.

Then it gets stuck, sealing the exit. He's probably not getting out.

It also opens the left hatch!

Well, I mean, it was a bomb.

Yes, Laguna, you are all still alive. Which is why you should now set off the bomb right next to you.

And there they go. It's always safety first with those guys.

After we set off the charge, the boulder chases these Esthar soldiers away.

Then it gets stuck in the hole.

And there's the third hatch opened! This doesn't really help us!

Kiros and Ward are always complaining.

Laguna's got it right. Always look on the bright side.

Anyway, up these stairs.

And onto this screen, with the nice pink crystal.

I wonder what this place is.

Laguna wonders what this rock is.

Angry at the rock, he shoves it.

There's another Esthar soldier down.

Nobody tells Laguna to chill out.

Yeah, fuck rocks!

Laguna is a stone-cold cop killer.

Why would someone kill birds with rocks? That's fucked up, man. Kiros, you're fucked up.

Even though it's shit, I can't just not draw.

Carrying on. We're almost through here.

Here's a save point, even!

If you go out the right side exit there, it just leads to this outdoor area.

Following the path just brings you back in on the screen before the detonator.

The way you want to go is up.

Pretty good view.

Too bad we've got company.

And now it's time for another fight with two Esthar Soldiers. How will we manage.

After wiping out the soldiers, the last one will use this ability.

It leaves Kiros with only 1 HP.

Then he repeats the process.

Only Laguna is left with more than 1 HP.

And that fucker didn't even give me any EXP. Eat shit in hell, buddy.
Note that, if the traps in the dig site aren't set, there are more fights during this sequence (up to four), and each fight has a little line from Laguna.
After the First Fight posted:
: Arghhhh! I'm gettin' hungry!
After the Second Fight posted:
: Uhhhh! The tip o'my nose itchessss!
After the Third Fight posted:
: Darn it! I wanna scratch the bottom of my feeeet!

After the fight, the guys crawl over to the cliff.

Laguna, are you going to swim to Galbadia? Is that your plan?

Kiros is not on board with the plan!

Ward is so mad about Laguna being right he can't even vocalise it.


Things are lookin' bad for Laguna and his men.

Look at the difference between Squall and Laguna here - Squall doesn't offer his comrades any support, even after they fail their mission and put Garden in jeopardy, but Laguna is still making jokes and trying to keep everyone's spirits up even though things look really bad.

And don't think for a second that he doesn't know how bad this situation is.

But Laguna sticks to it and finds a way. That's his strength as a leader.

There we go.

So, having spotted his boat, Laguna picks Kiros up and hurls him off the cliff.

And then he does the same to Ward.

Of course, he's not as keen on jumping down himself.

So he's going to try to climb it.

See you, Laguna...